interesting tourist attractions in Indonesia

Four tours in Indonesia an attractive and baseball lost to other countries. See, it Island of the Gods, Bali. The place is dubbed as the paradise of the world. Could be, people are more familiar with Bali than Indonesia.

Besides famous for its beautiful beaches, Balinese also has a building that became a place of worship pariwisata.Nah area, if you play to Bali, stop by, deh, to Ulun Danu. This temple is very famous and beautiful. Its location is unique, ie above the water, the lake Beratan.

Tours to the mountain is equally interesting, loh! The beauty of Mount Bromo to be the target of foreign and local tourists. Well, usually, the tourists want to miss this baseball is the most beautiful moment, when the sun rises. They are willing to climb the mountain Bromo since at 3 in the morning so he could see sunrise.

You really hooked together to eat? Well, you can visit Bandung. Suitable banget, nih for fans of the culinary tour. There Batagor, dumplings, spring rolls wet, Molen cake, brownies, chips,, pastries, various lunkhead and peuyeum. And still banyaak, again, you know!

Well, that was just mentioned Nesi small part. Indonesia still has a myriad of interesting places scattered throughout the province.