Wisata Belanja di Kampung Cina

Kampung Cina berada dalam kawasan perumahan Kota Wisata Cibubur. Untuk menuju Kampung Cina, Anda akan melewati deretan rumah-rumah mewah dengan ciri khas dari berbagai negara. Ada pula taman-taman dengan patung-patung unik yang khas seperti patung liberty, orang Indian dan patung lainnya.

Kampung Cina bisa dibilang sebagai tempat belanja yang menarik karena bangunan semua kios di kawasan ini menggunakan arsitektur Cina, begitu pula dengan warna merah dominan yang identik dengan kebudayaan Cina. Pada pintu masuk, terdapat gerbang yang mirip dengan pintu masuk sebuah kota yang ada di Cina yaitu Kota Terlarang. Gerbang ini berbentuk setengah lingkaran dan disebut Gerbang Kemakmuran.

Ada pula patung orang-orang Cina lengkap dengan pakaian dan rambut layaknya yang dipakai di Cina. Selain itu terdapat jembatan dengan sungai dibawahnya dan ikan mas. Tempat ini memang dibuat menyerupai negeri tirai bambu. Sepanjang perjalanan, terdapat kursi-kursi dari batu dan patung-patung lainnya sehingga nuansa perkampungan Cina tetap terasa. Pernak-pernik yang dijual berhubungan dengan konsep yang ada, yaitu barang-barang yang menggambarkan negara Cina. Yang paling banyak dijual adalah baju chongsam (baju merah dengan kerah dan kancing khas orang Tionghoa), payung, tas, dompet dengan bordiran khas Cina, patung-patung untuk pajangan dan pernak-pernik lainnya. Tetapi, ada pula kios-kios yang menjual topi atau tas yang tidak bernuansa negeri Cina.

Barang yang dijual antara satu kios dengan kios yang lain tidak jauh berbeda. Harga yang ditawarkan juga hampir sama dan tidak bisa ditawar terlalu banyak. Para penjual di sini tidak memanfaatkan keadaan dengan mematok harga yang terlalu tinggi. Mungkin inilah sebabnya masih banyak orang yang senang untuk berbelanja di sini. Pengunjung bisa membeli pernak-pernik yang unik dengan harga yang tidak terlalu mahal.

Wisata Keluarga di Kampung Cina

Pada bagian belakang kawasan Kampung Cina terdapat danau dengan sepeda air berbentuk bebek serta perahu motor yang akan mengajak Anda berkeliling di atas air danau. Kurang lebih, 1 perahu ini dapat menampung 12 orang. Ada pula kawasan yang disebut "Fantasy Island" dimana terdapat replika dinosaurus yang besar. Ini dapat menjadi tempat favorit untuk anak-anak.

Bila Anda merasa lapar, ada pula kios-kios yang menjual makanan untuk mengisi perut Anda. Di dekat danau ada food court yang menyediakan makanan ringan seperti bakso, gorengan, siomay, es durian dan jenis lainnya.

Keindahan Pantai Mutun Lampung

Letaknya yang berada di bagian selatan Pulau Sumatra, menjadikan Propinsi Lampung dikelilingi laut dan selat. Tidak mengherankan, jika banyak wisata alam pantai dapat Anda temui di propinsi ini. Jaraknya yang tidak terlalu jauh dari Jakarta membuat pantai-pantai di Lampung menjadi salah satu alternatif wisata yang ramai dikunjungi. Salah satunya adalah Pantai Mutun.

Pantai Mutun, merupakan salah satu pantai di Propinsi Lampung yang mudah dicapai. Letaknya tidak jauh dari Bandar Lampung, yang merupakan kota yang berkembang di propinsi ini serta memiliki fasilitas yang cukup lengkap. Jika Anda singgah ke Bandar Lampung, Anda dapat menikmati berbagai permainan dan keindahan pantai di Pantai Mutun.

Untuk mengunjungi pantai ini, Anda harus menempuh jarak sekitar 25 km dari Bandar Lampung. Di samping kiri kanan menuju Pantai Mutun, pepohonan yang hijau menjadi penghias dari jalanan yang terbilang cukup baik. Sebuah petunjuk di jalan utama akan menjadi penanda jika Anda harus berbelok untuk mencapai pantai ini. Dari jalan raya, kini jalan tanah dengan bebatuan harus dilewati untuk mencapai Pantai ini. Jarak yang harus ditempuh tidak terlalu jauh, hanya sekitar 1 km.

Setelah membayar tiket masuk, kini Anda dapat menikmati suasana pantai yang ramai. Naik perahu, kano, banana boat atau berenang adalah aktivitas asyik yang biasa dilakukan di pantai, termasuk di pantai ini. Aktivitas memancing bersama keluarga atau untuk menyalurkan hobi juga dapat dilakukan di tempat ini. Peralatan memancing atau perahu dapat disewa untuk melakukan aktivitas ini.

Keindahan Pantai Mutun

Yang menarik dari Pantai Mutun adalah pasir pantai yang putih, berbeda dengan pantai yang ada di sebagian pulau Jawa. Jadi jika Anda ingin menikmati pantai dengan pasirnya yang putih, Pantai Mutun dapat menjadi salah satu pilihan, mengingat lokasinya yang tidak terlalu jauh untuk pengunjung yang berasal dari Jakarta atau daerah Jawa Barat yaitu di Lampung.

Air laut tergolong bersih dan jernih menarik banyak mengunjung untuk bermain lebih jauh dari pantai. Ombak laut di Pantai Mutun cukup tenang sehingga cukup aman untuk pengunjung yang ingin menceburkan diri di laut Jika Anda hanya ingin bersantai-santai, ada gubuk-gubuk yang untuk berteduh yang biasa digunakan pengunjung untuk duduk-duduk atau tidur-tiduran ditiup angin pantai yang sepoi-sepoi. Anda juga dapat merasakan ketenangan karena air laut yang biru dan jernih serta hamparan pasir putih ditambah hijaunya pulau yang ada di seberang pantai ini membentuk pemandangan alam yang indah yang layak dikunjungi.

Wisata Edukasi di Godong Ijo

Rekreasi atau wisata yang tepat akan membantu anak-anak terhindar dari stres dan beban lainnya. Rekreasi atau wisata yang cocok untuk anak-anak adalah rekreasi atau wisata yang dapat membuat anak merasa senang serta sarat dengan edukasi atau pendidikan. Godong Ijo yang berlokasi di Depok menawarkan wisata edukasi secara lengkap untuk anak-anak. Dengan berbagai program dan permainan menarik serta aman untuk anak, membuat Godong Ijo telah dipilih oleh banyak sekolah sebagai tujuan wisata pendidikan siswa didik mereka.

Ekotainment merupakan program pendidikan lingkungan yang dirancang khusus untuk menstimulasi anak agar lebih peduli akan lingkungan dan disajikan dengan cara yang sangat menyenangkan, sehingga tanpa terasa siswa belajar mengenal lingkungan sambil bermain. Ada banyak program dan permainan menarik yang pasti akan disukai anak-anak. Selain dapat berinteraksi langsung dengan flora dan fauna, anak juga akan mendapat pelatihan yang berguna untuk membangun sifat-sifat baik serta pelatihan otak agar anak lebih mudah dalam belajar. Dengan harga yang terjangkau dan suasana yang asri, Godong Ijo menjadi tempat yang tepat untuk wisata edukasi atau wisata pendidikan.

Untuk membuka pemahaman siswa akan lingkungan, Godong Ijo menyampaikan dalam bentuk opera yang dipadukan dengan sulap dan pemutaran film mengenai "Pemanasan Global". Ini akan membantu siswa menyadari pentingnya tindakan nyata untuk menyelamatkan bumi.
Selanjutnya, siswa dapat mengikuti "Reptile Corner". Ini dia acara yang paling seru di sini. Pada sesi ini, siswa selain belajar seluk beluk reptil, mereka juga berinteraksi langsung dengan memandikan dan memberi makan kura-kura raksasa. Untuk yang terbaik dalam melakukan tugasnya, akan diberi hadiah yaitu naik kura-kura raksasa.

Kemudian, anak-anak dapat berinteraksi dengan "Ball Phyton" yang jinak dan feeding show untuk "Bradded Dragon" (kadal gurun) yang sangat agresif dalam menangkap mangsa. Anak-anak juga dapat memberi makan Kadal Panama, Iguana, dan Biawak. Koleksi lain dari reptil adalah ular. Ada Phyton Albino yang panjangnya 3 meter lebih dan Phyton Reticulatus raksasa dengan panjang 7,5 meter. Sebagai tambahan pengetahuan, anak-anak akan diajarkan bagaimana caranya membedakan ular berbisa dan ular tidak berbisa serta penanganan bila digigit ular.

Gunung Matterhorn - Swiss

Gunung indah berbentuk tanduk yang berada di daratan Eropa. Matterhorn namanya.
Gunung Matterhorn merupakan gunung yang berada di Swiss dan memiliki bentuk piramid yang keempat sisinya menghadap empat penjuru mata angin. Utara dan Timur secara berurutan menghadap ke East Valley dan Gornegrat di Swiss.Bagian selatan menghadap Breuil-Cervinia dan bagian barat menghgadap Dent d'Herens. bagian utara dan selatan kemudian bertemu di puncak.

Konon, berdiri di puncak Matterhorn akan bisa menyaksikan setidaknya 38 puncak gunung dari sekitar 200 puncak di pegunungan Alpen yang berada di kawasan perbatasan lima negara, Swiss, Austria, Perancis, Jerman dan Itali. Agaknya, berbagai kelebihan ini yang membuat Matterhorn menjadi gunung paling populer di Swiss.

"Karni Mata" Kuil Tikus

Kuil “Karni Mata” atau dikenal juga dengan nama “Kuil Tikus” (Rat Temple), didirikan pada abad ke 15, berlokasi di kota kecil Desknoke, 30 Km dari distrik Bikaner, negara bagian Rajasthan, India bagian barat. Kuil ini didirikan untuk dipersembahkan kepada seorang wanita bijak bernama Karni Mata (1387 – 1538) yang dipercaya sebagai titisan dewi Durga oleh para pengikutnya.

Kuil ini terkenal karena dihuni oleh ribuan tikus yang dipercaya oleh para pemujanya sebagai tikus keramat (suci) yang kelak akan menitis menjadi orang suci. Itulah sebabnya tikus-tikus ini sangat dilindungi oleh pemujanya dan selalu dimanja dengan memberinya makanan.

5 Tempat menarik di Paris

1. Menara Eiffel

Tempat wisata ini adalah hasil rangkaian 18.083 besi yang dibangun antara 1887 dan 1889. Meski dibangun untuk merayakan seabad revolusi Perancis, pembuatannya sendiri mengundang kritik dari seluruh Perancis. Kalangan seniman menilai tidak adanya keindahan dari Eiffel, sedang para arsitektur mendebat ketahanan angin pada strukturnya. Meski begitu, ikon Perancis ini tetap setia dikunjungi jutaan orang setiap tahun. Mungkin lebih banyak orang yang ingin melihat Paris dari ketinggian 275 meter lewat Dek Observasi, termasuk Tom Cruise yang melamar Katie Holmes di restoran yang terkenal romantis.

2.Arch de Triomphe

Di ujung lain Champ Elysee, tempat wisata yang akan agan temukan adalah bangunan menyerupai gapura besar. Arch de Triomphe dibangun Napoleon pada 1806 sebagai simbol kemenangan Perancis. Sayangnya, "Si Pendek" Napoleon keburu digulingkan sebelum bangunan ini rampung didirikan.

3.Champ Elysee

Menjadi salah satu kawasan elit di Paris yang digunakan sebagai tempat wisata. Di sini agan akan menemukan etalase berisi barang dan parfum ternama, selain cafe-cafe mahal yang berjejer di sepanjang jalan. Kenyamanan pedestrian juga terjamin, mengingat lebarnya bagian trotoar di sini. Dulunya, bilangan ini pernah digunakan tentara Sekutu untuk berpawai merayakan kemenangan pada PD II.

4.Place de la Concorde

Lain lagi dengan cerita Place de la Concorde . Tempat wisata yang merupakan alun-alun terluas di Paris ini, dibangun pada 1755 di lahan seluas 86.400 meter. Ciri khas tempat ini adalah monumen dan air mancur. Dulunya, kaum bangsawan tertawa-tawa sambil menonton eksekusi terbuka para penjahat hingga penentang kerajaan. Pasca Revolusi Perancis, ganti wajah-wajah para borjuis itu yang murung menghadapi eksekusi. Nama tempat wisata ini sendiri berubah beberapa kali. Dimulai dari "Place Louis XV", "Place de la Révolution", dan terakhir "Place de la Concorde" sebagai simbol rekonsiliasi.

5.Musee Du Louvre

Museum Louvre merupakan salah satu museum seni terbesar di seluruh dunia. Jika anda tidak menyukai seni, tetapi ingin memenuhi rasa ingin tahu anda akan lukisan Monalisa (di Paris disebut “la joconde”), atau mungkin tertarik karena buku “The da vinci Code”, anda tetap harus masuk ke museum ini. Dahulu gedung yang dijadikan museum Louvre adalah istana (Palais de Louvre) yang dibangun tahun 1190 dan mengalami tahap penyelesaian menjadi seperti gedung yang terlihat saat ini di tahun 1870. Dan tahun 1989 arsitektur Amerika asal China, I.M Pei membuat piramida kaca yang dijadikan salah satu dari 3 pintu masuk.

Untuk bisa menikmati Museum yang memamerkan lebih dari 35000 obyek seni dari jaman pra-sejarah hingga abad ke-19 ini, anda harus datang pagi-pagi sekitar jam 09.00 karena antrian yang panjang, dan anda pasti tidak akan menyia-nyiakan uang 9 euro anda setelah membayar tiket masuk.

Gunung Patuha - Kawah Putih Bandung

Gunung Patuha adalah gunung yang berada di Bandung Selatan, tepatnya di daerah Rancabali, Ciwidey. Objek wisata yang menarik dari gunung ini adalah Kawah Putih.

Pendakian Gunung Patuha telah direncanakan sejak awal April 2005, dan baru dilaksanakan pada tanggal 1 Mei 2005. Pendakian direncanakan dengan menebas hutan, saya tuliskan dalam email di kantor; dengan informasi tentang Kawah Putih yang saya tulis lebih banyak, supaya banyak teman yang bersemangat untuk ikut.Sesuai dengan perjanjian, kami berkumpul di kantor, jam 05.30; tetapi biasa kebiasaan buruk saya membuat tim menjadi terlambat.

Di kantor telah berkumpul teman-teman: Abdul Fattah, Arief, Fadli, Indarum, dan Wawan. Andriansyah, Ogun, dan Rusydan menunggu di terminal antar kota Leuwipanjang. Perjanjian bertemu di depan bus yang akan berangkat ke arah Ciwidey.

Tim berjumlah seluruhnya 9 orang. Tim dari kantor baru berangkat jam 06.10, sampai di Pasar Simpang Dago, saya belanja makanan kecil - odading - terlebih dahulu, karena belum makan pada saat berangkat dari rumah. Saya borong odadaing yang tersisa seharga 5 ribu rupiah.

Kami naik angkutan kota (angkot) Dago - Kalapa. Kebetulan, setelah melewati jalan Merdeka, isi angkot tersisa tim kami saja. Saya tanya kepada supir, apakah berani mengantar kami sampai ke Rancabali? Si supir, masih muda, berkata bahwa dia berani saja.

"Sabaraha?". (Berapa?).
"Kumaha Bapak wae", jawab supir. (Bagaimana bapak saja).
"Lima puluh rebu nya?", kata saya. (Lima puluh ribu ya..)
"Ulah sakitu atuh Pak, tambihan kanggo bensinna", kata supir. (Jangan segitu dong Pak, tambah lagi untuk bensinnya".
"Tos, genep lima", kata saya (Sudah enam puluh lima ribu saja).
Supir setuju.
"Ngan urang nyimpang heula ka Leuwi Panjang, da aya rerencangan anu ngantosan di ditu", kata saya. (Tapi kita harus ke terminal Leuwi Panjang terlebih dahulu, karena ada beberapa teman menunggu di sana).

Sepanjang jalan, saya dan Arief mencoba kontak teman-teman yang sudah menunggu di terminal, untuk segera menuju pinggir jalan, karena kita mencarter mobil angkot. Ogun dan Andri berangkat sendiri-senidri, sehingga kami mengontak secara orang per orang, karena ternyata mereka belum saling bertemu. Sebelum sampai di terminal, Andri berhasil dikontak dan suadh bergerak menuju pinggir jalan yang saya tentukan; tetapi Ogun tidak bisa dikontak-kontak; ternyata HP-nya di dalam tas, dan keadaan ramai sehingga tidak terdengar. So, kami belum ada kontak dengan Ogun. Rusydan dikontak ke HP-nya, ternyata ditinggal di rumah.

Sesampai di terminal Leuwi Panjang, saya coba kontak lagi Andri; karena ternyata salah tempat, dia berada di jalur seberang angkot kami. Ogun akhirnya berhasil dikontak juga, posisinya sudah tepat di depan bis yang akan berangkat ke Ciwidey. Kemudian kita bertemu di depan ATM Bank BCA yang ada di depan terminal Leuwi Panjang. Rusydan ternyata telah bertemu dengan Ogun, so, lengkap sudah tim kami.

Perjalanan dilanjutkan menuju Rancabali. Kami sekali berhenti untuk mengisi bensin, di daerah sebelum masuk ke Ciwidey.

Di Ciwidey, kami berhenti sebentar untuk membeli golok, makanan dan minuman bagi yang belum membawa bekal yang cukup.

Saya membeli 2 buah golok kerja orang kampung. 40 ribu rupiah dapat 2 golok, cukup murah, walaupun masih bisa ditawar lagi. Teman-teman masih belum sadar benar, mengapa saya memaksakan diri untuk membeli golok, karena beberapa kali naik gunung bersama saya tidak membawa peralatan seperti golok ini.

Setelah membeli golok, saya membeli dua botol air minum 600 ml, dan nasi bungkus dengan tahu dan tempe saja, karena saya tidak membawa bekal makanan selain sebungkus biskuit dan odading yang telah dimakan sebagian oleh teman-teman juga. Teman-teman lain tidak berminat membeli nasi bungkus, so hanya saya yang membawa nasi bungkus.

Dari Ciwidey kami melanjutkan perjalanan, ke arah Rancabali. Supir saya tanya, apakah mau menjemput kami nanti sore, sekitar jam 15-an; setelah saya mengetahui supir ini menjalankan mobil milik bapaknya, dan tidak dikejar target setoran. Supir menyanggupi. Saya kemudian memberitahukan ke lokasi mana dia harus menjemput. Pada saat melewati belokan ke arah Kawah Putih, saya memberitahu supir bahwa dia nanti sore harus masuk ke arah Kawah Putih, sekitar jam 15-an, dan biaya untuk masuk akan saya tambahkan. Kami sendiri tidak masuk ke Kawah Putih, karena kami akan mulai pendakian dari perkebunan teh Rancabali dan akan berakhir di Kawah Putih.

Sekitar 20-menitan dari Ciwidey, kami sampai di perkebunan teh Rancabali. Setelah mengamati daerah yang kami lalui, dengan melihat ke arah Gunung Patuha, maka saya meminta supir untuk berhenti di daerah belokan yang cukup datar, dan pemandangan ke arah Gunung Patuha cukup baik, walaupun pada saat itu Gunung Patuha sedang tertutup kabut; tetapi karena saya masih yakin dengan medan yang dulu saya kenal, semasa mahasiswa, sekitar 15 tahunan yang lalu.

Istana Gebang

Istana Gebang adalah rumah kediaman mantan Presiden Soekarno di Kota Blitar, Jawa Timur. Rumah ini berada di Jalan Sultan Agung Blitar, sekitar 2 km dari Makam Bung Karno. Setiap tanggal 6 Juni, yakni tanggal kelahiran Bung Karno, rumah ini diselenggarakan haul dan berbagai macam kesenian Istana Gebang merupakan rumah Bung Karno. Rumah ini merupakan rumah tempat tinggal Orang Tua Proklamator Bung Karno. Bangunan ini dianggap sebagai bangunan yang bersejarah di Blitar. Istana ini tidak jauh dari Makam Bung Karno kira kira 2 km ke arah selatan, tepatnya di Jalan Sultan Agung No. 69 Kota Blitar. Di rumah tersebut tiap tahun diadakan acara Haul yang ramai dikunjungi orang, begitu juga banyaknya kesenian yang ikut memeriahkan acara haul tersebut. Keluarga Soekarno juga masih sering berkumpul di istana ini.

Goa Ngerong- Rengel Tuban

Goa Ngerong adalah suatu gua dan tempat wisata di Kecamatan Rengel, Tuban, Jawa Timur. Di tempat tersebut para pengunjung dapat melihat ribuan ikan di sungai yang airnya sangat jernih. Biasanya para pengunjung memberikan biji kapuk randu ke dalam sungai agar ikan-ikan tersebut mengapung untuk berebut makanan. Karena airnya yang jernih, sebagian besar warga di sekitar tempat tersebut juga memanfaatkannya sebagai tempat mandi dan mencuci.
Kebanyakan pengunjung yang datang adalah dari kalangan anak sekolah, tempat yang dihuni ribuan kalelawar ini mepuyak kharismatik tersendiri bagi pengunjung, selain ikan dan kalelawar ada juga binatang lain diantaranya Iguana raksasa dan, tenang saja berkunjung ketempat ini tidak memerlukan biaya mahal

Air terjun Sedudo di Jawa Timur

Air Terjun Sedudo adalah sebuah air terjun dan obyek wisata yang terletak di Desa Ngliman Kecamatan Sawahan, Kabupaten Nganjuk, Jawa Timur. Jaraknya sekitar 30 km arah selatan ibukota kabupaten Nganjuk. Berada pada ketinggian 1.438 meter dpl, ketinggian air terjun ini sekitar 105 meter. Tempat wisata ini memiliki fasilitas yang cukup baik, dan jalur transportasi yang mudah diakses.

Masyarakat setempat masih mempercayai, air terjun in memiliki kekuatan supra natural. Lokasi wisata alam ini ramai dikunjungi orang pada bulan Sura (kalender Jawa). Konon mitos yang ada sejak zaman Majapahit, pada bulan itu dipercaya membawa berkah awet muda bagi orang yang mandi di air terjun tersebut.

Setiap Tahun Baru Jawa, air terjun Sedudo dipergunakan untuk upacara ritual, yaitu memandikan arca dalam upacara Parna Prahista, yang kemudian sisa airnya dipercikan untuk keluarga agar mendapat berkah keselamatan dan awet muda. Hingga sekarang pihak Pemkab Nganjuk secara rutin melaksanakan acara ritual Mandi Sedudo setiap tanggal 1 Suro.

Pasar Sukawati , Bali

Pasar Sukawati merupakan sebuah pasar yang sangat terkenal di Bali. Karena pasar ini menjual pakaian-pakaian santai dengan harga yang sangat miring.

Pasar Sukawati menyediakan pakaian-pakaian seperti Batik khas bali, selain batik khas bali juga tersedia berbagai macam baju-baju serta celana pendek harga miring yang akan cocok dipakai di pantai. Dan juga ada beberapa kaos yang bercorak Bali. Semua barang-barang disini bisa ditawar, dan sebagai tipsnya harganya bisa sepertiga dari harga pertama yang ditawarkan oleh penjualnya.

Dan untuk melancarkan tawarannya, sebaiknya datang ke pasar ini ketika pagi sekitar jam 8-10 karena para penjualnya baru selesai sembahyang dan mereka menggap jika jualan mereka berhasil di pagi tersebut akan mendatangkan kelarisan untuk jam-jam selanjutnya.

Selain pakaian-pakaian murah, di pasar ini juga terkenal dengan barang-barang seni seperti lukisan dari berbagai aliran lukisan. Juga ada berbagai model tas.

Dan sebelum menuju ke pasar Sukawati, sebaiknya mengunjungi Pusat Kerajina Perak Celuk. Di kerajinan perak celuk ini kita bisa membeli berbagai macam kerajinan yang terbuat dari perak. Dan kelebihan lainnya, disini kita juga bisa melihat secara langsung bagaiman para perajin membuat kerajinan perak tersebut.

10 Best Indonesian Natural Enchantment

Indonesia as a country consisting of thousands of islands is a beautiful country, situated on the equator that has 2 climates, soils are so fertile and the scenery will not be obtained in other countries. are still very green environment is very supportive to make Indonesia as one of the places to tour. From Sabang to Marauke, you will find a variety of scenery that will make you fall in love with the country Indonesia
Rice Terraces, Bali

Away from its beaches, Bali incredible rice terraces steal the show. Covering more than 20 percent of Tea island, these terraced fields sustain much of tea islands agricultural needs, and are a photographers dream. From Pupuan in the west to Tabanan in the south, Bali's dramatic mountains and deep ravines are ringed by endless fields of rice, changing color from silvery green to emerald and then a rich golden brown as the grains ripen over the course of the year.

Terasering Sawah, Bali

Terlepas dari pantai-pantainya yang terkenal, teras sawah Bali pun menakjubkan. Meliputi lebih dari 20 persen pulau Bali, teras sawah ini tidak hanya memenuhi sebagian besar kebutuhan pertanian di Bali, tapi juga merupakan impian para fotografer. Dari Pupuan di barat sampai Tabanan di selatan, pegunungan dan lembah di Bali yang dramatis dikelilingi oleh sawah tanpa ujung yang berubah warna dari hijau mengkilap sampai hijau zamrud dan kemudian menjadi cokelat keemasan sejalan dengan mematangnya bulir padi secara bertahap sepanjang tahun.

Beautiful Travelling Places In Indonesia

Do you ever going to go to Indonesia? If you never going to travel to Indonesia yet so you should try to visit Indonesia because there are so many beautiful places you can find. Not only beautiful of the place also the people are very nice. The cultural is unique too, so these are the reasons of Indonesia. When you start for planning to vacation travelling to another countries why you don't choose Indonesia become one of your target. I think that is the right choice and here the most beautiful places in Indonesia you can find :

1. Lombok

Lombok Island is located near Bali, actually in the east of Bali island. It's easy to go by air or by sea. Maybe this island is near Bali so the cultural of the people is not different. They have unique cultural tradition and the people are friendly.

Lombok is one of great island in Indonesia after Bali. Like Bali you can find many beautiful places in Lombok such as amazing beaches, outstanding waterfalls, golf park, little islands around and many others. So Lombok is the best choice for travelling.

2. Bali

Bali Island the most beautiful island in Indonesia even in the world. Many thousand tourist from everywhere visit bali every years. They come to Bali to see the beautiful and the unique cultural tradition of the citizen. Most of tourist say that bali is the most beautiful island they ever visiting and the people are very friendly.

The most famous place in Bali is Kuta Beach. This is the long white sandy beach and the sea is best place for surfing. Now you can also enjoy trip in Bali by cruises. Many cruises you can choose like The Lembongan Island Reef Cruise, the Beach Club Cruise, the Sunset Dinner Cruise, the spectacular trip aboard Aristocat, the Ocean Rafting 3 Island Cruise and Dolphin Cruise. You can also enjoy diving with Odissey Submarine.

So many other amazing places you can search in Bali. And the trip to bali is unforgotten experience for many people.

3. Bunaken

Bunaken National Marine Park is one of the first marine park in Indonesia. It is located in North Sulawesi and established in 1991. The park is contain of five island, there are Bunaken, Manado Tua, Mantehage, Nain and Siladen. As the name the beautiful of this place is under the sea. You can see many sea creatures such as corals, fish, echinoderms or sponges.

In Bunaken you can find that this place is harbor of some of the highest levels of biodiversity in the world. There are big number of families and species of sea creatures are in Bunaken. So for the tourists who like diving, this is the right place for you.

4. Borobudur

Borobudur is one of the biggest Buddist Temple in the world. It was build in the 9th century. It is located in Magelang, Central Java. It is easy to find this place because it is near from Yogyakarta. The temple is very high. If you like to journey to ancient monument, Borobudur is best choice for you.

5. Lake Toba

Lake Toba is one of the biggest and most famous lake in Indonesia. The place is beautiful and located in North Sumatra. One of the unique of this lake, there is a island in the center of the lake. Name is Samosir. The people has unique cultural tradition too. If you like quiet situation and far from the city noise so this is the right place for relaxing.

Travel & Places Places Objects pull on the island of Bali

It is no doubt that the Balinese have varying attractions including the beach resort, mountains, fields and even villages and population with its unique culture and distinctive, historic sites thick with mystique and, of course, its natural beauty very charming. Foreign tourists in Bali is often called as The Land Of God or the land of the Gods.
As a regional destination tourism, Bali have multiple objects tours that can be holiday choice. Here brief information about great sights and nteresting on the island of gods.

- Kintamani
Kintamani, which is located in Bangli regency, offers beautiful lake views while enjoying lunch. Enjoy the beauty of mountain and lake Batur that emit smoke which beautify the atmosphere. Do not miss to visit tourist attractions and also Trunyan Toya Bungkah famous with the unique burial system Next...

- Dreamland Beach
Dreamland Beach in Ungasan area, Pecatu famous for its beautiful beaches and the waves are challenging. For surf sports enthusiast, this place is a favorite. Do not miss also to visit the sights around this place like GWK, Uluwatu Temple, Beach and Beach Nyangnyang Suluban Next...

- Road Celuk Karangasem - Singaraja
On the way to the Karangasem regency of Buleleng through Celuk Road, we can see the natural beauty of the landscape rocks highest mountain in Bali eruption, the mountain Agung.Dalam This trip will go through several tourist attractions such as Amed, Tulamben, Les Villages, Water Sanih and enjoy the view beautiful all the way Next...

- Sukawati Art Market
From the past until now, Sukawati art market has become the favorite choice of places to shop for tourism employee who is on vacation on the island of Bali next ....

- Ubud
Want to know the art centers in Bali and places where they can find the real life of Balinese people? Ubud is the answer. Ubud, located in Gianyar regency, had always been known as the hometown of art Next...

- Uluwatu
Uluwatu is located on the southern tip of Bali Uluwatu Temple showing the beauty that stands firmly on the edge of a cliff overlooking the Indian ocean Next...

- Bedugul
Bedugul tourist area offers several tourist objects that can be visited include Bedugul Botanical Garden which offers natural attractions such as the Treetop Next...

- Nusa Dua - Tanjung Benoa
Nusa Dua tourist area famous for its BTDC (Bali Tourism Development Center) and Tanjung Benoa, famous as a center for water sports in Bali Next...

Interesting tourist attractions in Indonesia

In Indonesia many attractions that are very interesting, lots of foreign tourists visiting Indonesia is only for the tour, one of the most de enjoy doing is the island of Bali (Island of the Gods), there are many interesting places including Kute beach, Sanur beach and still much more.
Besides the island of Bali in a big city like Jokjakarta also foreign tourists visited the city's numerous historic relics peningalan-especially the temples, the shopping is also popular with foreign tourist here.
If you include a person who likes to travel Jagan forget to take your time to come to Indonesia, where the tour will not disappoint

Wayang Orang Indonesia Mendunia

Kesenian wayang orang yang dimainkan oleh kelompok Wayang Orang Indonesia Pusaka mendunia dengan tampil di Opera House di Sidney, Australia, serta dijadwalkan bermain di sejumlah negara di Asia, Eropa, dan Afrika.

Pemerhati budaya, Jaya Suprana setelah mendampingi beberapa anggota kelompok Wayang Orang Indonesia Pusaka bertemu dengan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono di kantor presiden, Jakarta, Kamis sore mengatakan, beberapa negara memang tertarik dengan kesenian wayang orang.

Dia menjelaskan, beberapa negara yang sudah mengundang antara lain Jerman, Prancis, Afrika Selatan, dan Singapura.

Jaya menjelaskan, kelompok wayang orang ini akan bisa memenuhi undangan itu jika mendapatkan dukungan dari pemerintah.

"Yang menjadi keterbatasan memang dalam hal dana," katanya.

Pada saat bertemu presiden, Jaya Suprana juga melaporkan bahwa kelompok wayang orang itu sudah tampil di "Opera House" di Sidney, Australia, pada 18 Desember 2010.

Penampilan kelompok wayang orang itu mendapat sambutan meriah dari warga negara Australia dan warga negara Indonesia yang tinggal di negeri kanguru itu.

Saat itu, kelompok Wayang Orang Indonesia Pusaka menampilkan cerita tentang kepahlawanan Gatot Kaca.

Mereka mampu menarik perhatian warga negara Australia karena menyisipkan penggunaan bahasa Inggris saat tampil.

Wayang Orang Indonesia Pusaka berhasil mengumpulkan dana sebesar Rp110 juta ketika tampil di Sidney.

"Itu kami sumbangkan kepada saudara kita di sekitar Merapi," kata Jaya Suprana.

Sementara itu, Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Jero Wacik mengatakan, pemerintah selalu mendukung misi budaya Indonesia ke luar negeri. Menurut dia, wayang orang adalah seni yang sangat bernilai dan mengandung falsafah hidup yang luar biasa.

"Setiap episode wayang orang itu ada pesan moralnya," kata Jero Wacik.

Saat ini, Jero Wacik sedang mengatur pertemuan antara sejumlah kelompok wayang orang dan presiden. Dia juga mengusahakan agar Wayang Orang Indonesia Pusaka bisa tampil di komplek Istana Kepresidenan.

Kelompok Wayang Orang Indonesia Pusaka sendiri terdiri dari seniman-seniman wayang orang Bharata dan sejumlah pemerhati kesenian lainnya.
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Tourism Bantimurung Indonesia

"Specials only kemurunganmu in Bantimurung, "Joked my friend when we're talking about attractions mainstay in Maros regency, South Sulawesi. The distance is approximately 45 km from City Makassar.

And it is true, as long as I spent the first high school in Maros (1986-1989), Bantimurung travel choice for our family and friends of the school. In addition to his place was near, waterfalls and other attractions in the surrounding areas offer a beauty. Moodiness seemed like a slam. From the city center Maros, Bantimurung can already be reached by the time approximately 20 minutes by private car or public transportation.

Geographically Bantimurung tourist attraction has an area of 6619.11 km2 Entering reach this region, we will be greeted by a large gate with a giant butterfly, followed by a jumbo-sized statue of an ape. This indicates Bantimurung is habitat native butterflies and monkeys.

Waterfalls falling slowly through the rock from a height of 15 meters and a width of 20 meters presents a unique natural feel. In addition to beautiful natural scenery, waterfalls are also used by visitors for bathing activities or just to feel the splash of cool mountain water.

interesting tourist attractions in Indonesia

Four tours in Indonesia an attractive and baseball lost to other countries. See, it Island of the Gods, Bali. The place is dubbed as the paradise of the world. Could be, people are more familiar with Bali than Indonesia.

Besides famous for its beautiful beaches, Balinese also has a building that became a place of worship pariwisata.Nah area, if you play to Bali, stop by, deh, to Ulun Danu. This temple is very famous and beautiful. Its location is unique, ie above the water, the lake Beratan.

Tours to the mountain is equally interesting, loh! The beauty of Mount Bromo to be the target of foreign and local tourists. Well, usually, the tourists want to miss this baseball is the most beautiful moment, when the sun rises. They are willing to climb the mountain Bromo since at 3 in the morning so he could see sunrise.

You really hooked together to eat? Well, you can visit Bandung. Suitable banget, nih for fans of the culinary tour. There Batagor, dumplings, spring rolls wet, Molen cake, brownies, chips,, pastries, various lunkhead and peuyeum. And still banyaak, again, you know!

Well, that was just mentioned Nesi small part. Indonesia still has a myriad of interesting places scattered throughout the province.

10 fabulous resorts in Switzerland

Switzerland is bordered by Germany, France, Italy, Austria and the tiny kingdom of Liechtenstein. Swiss Society said many languages and there are four official languages, namely German, French, Italian and Romansh languages that are less popular.

Switzerland is rich with history as a country that is neutral regardless of wartime or peace (and was never involved in the fight against foreign rule since the year 1815). Therefore, the Swiss used as host various international organizations like the UN, although its headquarters is in New York City, but many established offices in Switzerland.

Swiss name in Latin, which means the Confederation Helvetica Confoederatio Helvetika, was chosen to avoid the selection of one of the four official Swiss languages (German, French, Italian, and Romansh). Country TLD,. Ch, also taken from this name. Of the 26 kantonnya, 17-German-speaking Switzerland, 4 Swiss-Romande/Prancis, 1 Italy, 3 bilingual German-French and 1 trilingual.

Swiss mark August 1, 1291 as the day of its independence; follow the history of this country which originally was a joint state, then a fellowship since 1848. August 1 used as a general leave of absence where the bank and post office and general administrative offices are also closed.

System of government is very good, really reflect and absorb the diversity of its population. As a federal country, its democracy is "directly", but was represented by the Federal Assembly. This Parliament chose seven men to become "the government". Status seventh minister, heads the department, and one of them becomes president for a year in turn. President rotated every year!

Switzerland is known as the Land of the Alps. Bordered by France, Germany, Italy and Austria, Switzerland provides the most stunning panoramic views of the Alps. Although small, is also one of the richest countries in the world, not surprisingly, many tourists take a holiday in Switzerland. There are many tourist attractions Switzerland, but I have compiled for you tourist attractions top 10 in Switzerland. I hope you'll like it.
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Rafting the Lower Progo Indonesia

Lower Progo River has a substantial grade of III - IV +. High Grade in Lower Progo River is the highest as Java and Bali. Start point is the Lower Progo River Bridge Klangon, Village Klangon Kab. Magelang and finish his point is Dam Village Ancol or Dekso, Kab. Kulon Progo.

Different finish point associated with the seasons. Finsih pointVillage Dekso allows achieved in the rainy season only. Lower Progo River Rafter recommended for intermediate level. But when you Rafter beginners need not fear for rafting in the Lower Progo River will use 2 river guide in each boat.

Mascot rapids in the Lower Progo some of which are Jeram Welcome, Jeram Budil, and Jeram Fear (In the rainy season). The highest grade is located at Jeram Budil. Budil itself is the name of the rafting activist who was killed in the Lower Progo River this. So his name immortalized as the name of the rapids as a form of homage. Form a narrow river accompanied by a steep gradient makes the water flow in Jeram Budil become malignant. Constituted a large hole at the end of the cascade adds its own challenges in this cascade. Pengarungan in the Lower Progo River carried out by the amount of at least 2 boats. This is a basic safety procedure that must be met in performing activities of rafting on the Lower Progo River

In Indonesia Tourism Objects

Bali Island
Object Tourism In Indonesia - There are many objects Tourism In Indonesia you can visit with the couple or large family. As the object of Nature Tourism, Cultural Tourism, History, Culinary Tourism, Religious Tourism or Sports Travel. Indonesia is rich in natural beauty that stretches across Indonesia, you just need to know the place like what you yng ingingkan then Indonesia has the answer.

In every town in Indonesia must have an amazing tourist attraction but the city / place of tourist attraction that is more known or more popular in Indonesia are as follows:

1 Bali Island
Bali Island is one of the most beautiful island in the World. Tourist island of Bali Island is the best among the other islands. Lots of tourist objects which is owned Bali. As Kintamani, Kuta Beach, Lake Batur, Goa Gajah, Looks
Siring, Bedugul, Tanah Lot and so forth. The island is rich in a very amazing place with the building architecture and natural beauty which has also been recognized by the world.

2. Borobudur
Borobudur is the largest Buddhist temple in the world. This temple was built when Samaratungga - king of the dynasty dynasty
ruled in Central Java. The temple is listed as one of the seven wonders of the world. Borobudur temple is located in the village of Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java. Borobudur Temple is very large and made of blocks of large stones with a very majestic architecture.

3. Komodo Island

Komodo Island is situated in a strait between the island of Flores in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and Sumbawa in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). Komodo Island there is the world's largest lizard, the Komodo dragons (Varanuskomodoensis). Komodo is believed to be remaining dinosaur ancient animal that is still alive. long Komodo dragon can reach 3 meters with a weight can reach 140 kg. On the island of Komodo peariran also have waters that include the magic underwater world. Sea bottom waters of Komodo is the best in the world, at sea level menyembulnya
dry lands are hilly coral. Very worthy of islands included in the list of wonders of Komodo in Indonesia.

4. Lake of the three color Flores
Lake of the three colors Flores is one of the nine wonders of the world. The lake is located in three colors Kelimutu, Flores, NTT. There are three lakes adjacent but with different colors. Crater Lake is Tiwu Ata Polo (red lake), Tiwu Nua Muri Kooh Fai (green lake) and Ata Tiwu Mbupu (blue lake). Lake Flores is the only lake in the world in which the water can change at any time, from red to dark green and maroon, dark green to light green, blackish brown to blue sky. This natural phenomenon is a miracle.

5. Peak Jayawijaya and Carstenz

Peak Carstenz Jayawijaya and is also listed as one of the top seven continents (Seven Summit), which is phenomenal and the target of mountaineers around the world. Jayawijaya Peak National Park is located in Laurentz, Papua. The peak was covered by eternal snow. Eternal snow on the Peak Jayawijaya is one of three fields of snow in the tropics which are in the world. In our country that the equator is passed, witnessed
snow in Indonesia certainly something that is impossible to be understood. Carstenz Pyramid (4884 masl) is one of those snowy peaks. The highest peak in Southeast Asia and the Pacific is located in the Sudirman Mountains series. Peak is famous not only because of the high, but also because there is a layer of snow on the peak.

6. Prambanan

Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple in Southeast Asia. Prambanan temple is located on the border of Central Java and Yogyakarta. This temple was built in about the year 850 AD. The architecture is very grand and there are temples large and small on this Prambanan temple complex. There's also a legend that the temples are only made in one night alone by his supernatural powers as a condition to marry Bondowoso Loro Jonggrang. But not because of the legend of Prambanan included in this list but due to a dazzling world of architectural excellence.

7. Bromo

Mount Bromo is one of five volcanic mountain complex located in the Tengger Mountains in the ocean sand. The attraction of this mountain is a mountain that is still active. Sightseeing Mount Bromo is a natural phenomenon with a specificity of natural phenomena that are not found elsewhere is the presence of craters in the middle of the crater (in the creater creater) with a stretch of sea sand that surrounds it.

8. Toraja
Toraja South Sulawesi lies. Tanah Toraja is very unique, especially in terms of burial. The corpses are not buried, but placed in caves in the rock. The bodies are accompanied by statues that depict the people who died. Here there are graves in the rock. One form of burial is
grave stone made at the top of the cliff at a height of the rock. According Aluk To Dolo animistic beliefs among people of Tana Toraja, the higher the place they laid it faster spirit may meet with God or heaven.

9. Krakatau

The eruption of Mount Krakatoa never shake the earth. This volcano has erupted on August 26, 1883. Explosion is very powerful and also cause a tsunami that killed about 36,000 people. Krakatau eruption voice to be heard in Alice Springs, Australia and the island of Rodrigues near Africa. Mount Krakatau in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra. Even the dust is said to get to outer space. Although Krakatoa was not as dangerous as it used to be (hopefully) but its history is one of the natural wonders of its own.

10. Lake Toba

Perhaps many do not know that Lake Toba was once a volcano. The lake is located in the former crater of the world's largest Supervolcano. Mount Toba eruption is estimated at 73 thousand years ago. The eruption was recorded as the largest volcano eruption that affects climate worldwide.

Tourist attractions in New Delhi - India: Part Lotus Tempe

Tempe Lotus in New Delhi, India. Also called the Lotus Temple because of its shape like the flower of this place as a place of worship, and one of the main attractions in Delhi. This building completed in 1986. Architecture of Lotus Temple because it has special features and elegant would not be surprised if you often won many awards and to enter the articles in newspapers and magazines

To enter this area it needs enough patience, because a lot of visitors who come and go quite a long queue. Again a matter of time, I did not get into this place, although still high curiosity. But the picture is quite out of it

Visitor attractions in New Delhi - India: Part Qutb Minar and Red Fort

Conference 1 minggu di Kalkuta. Saya melanjutkan perjalanan ke New Delhi, tadinya emang ga ada rencana untuk pergi ke kota ini tapi berhubung tidak ada direct plane ke Jerman jadi harus pake penerbangan di new Delhi, saya pikir sayang banget kalo kesempatan ini terlewatkan, akhirnya saya spend 1 hari di sana. Sampai di bandara New Delhi kira-kira jam 11 siang. kemudian saya menggunakan kendaraan 'tuk tuk' alias bemo (mobil mini 3 roda) total 1300 rupee untuk keliling new Delhi dan si 'tuk tuk' menemani saya berjalan-jalan berkeliling kota Delhi. Dan si 'tuk tuk' dengan setia menunggu saya jika ada spot yang saya suka. New Delhi kota metropolitannya ala India..lumayan lah setiap spot jaraknya sangat berjauhan, dan macet...persis Jakarta. Sebenernya harga 'tuk tuk' lebih mahal dibandingkan taksi yang harganya sekitar 1050 rupee. Waktu yang saya miliki sangat terbatas hanya 6 jam di New Delhi, dengan macet mungkit spot yang saya kunjungi akan sedikit. Akhirnya saya memilih 'Tuk tuk 'karna lebih fleksibel.
Rute yang saya kunjungi Qutb minar, Lotus temple, India Gate, Ja'ma Mesjid dan Red Fort.

Rute pertama adalah Qutb Minar. Tiket masuk untuk turis mancanegara sekitar 150 rupee , sedangkan untuk turis lokal 10 rupee...perbandingan yg sangat jauh.
Qutb Minar adalah sebuah menara yang berada di New Delhi - India. Qutb Minar merupakan menara yang terbuat dari batu pasir dengan ketinggian ketinggian 72,5 meter (237,8 kaki). Konstruksi ini dimulai setelah kemenangan umat Islam atas Hindu tahun 1200., dan untuk merayakan kemenangan raja Mohammed Ghori dari Afghanistan terhadap raja Rajputs tahun 1192.
Sejak tahun 1993 tempat ini dinyatakan sebagai bagian dari warisan budaya dunia oleh UNESCO. Tempat ini sangat luas. Saya waktu cukup lama disini. Disana saya dapat kenalan orang Polandia yang bekerja di IBM UK, jadi lah kami bersama jalan-jalan dan saling memoto.
Saya sangat impesif melihat tempat wisata di India. Bagaimana tidak sisa kejayaan Islam masih kokoh berdiri disana. Dengan relief-relief Al Quran yang menghiasi tembok Qutb Minar.

Stepping on India Tourism Objects

Glamorous, full of romance and feel of beautiful art, that India lives in Bollywood films. Many of course asks, really like it real life in India. Lives of most people in India are very far from the truth''''with what is shown in Bollywood films. Nevertheless, there are still lessons to be learned to be a lesson or comparison. Perhaps, travel journalist, I Nyoman Sugiarta Bali Post that following the "ASEAN-India Media Exchange Programme (ASEAN Media Visit to India)" 23 November to 2 December 2006 to give actual conditions there.

Departure from Denpasar, Bali with Singapore airlines, I have to transit a few hours in Singapore airport, before traveling to New Delhi. I landed at the IG International Airport in New Delhi at midnight. Here was beginning to look a difference between what is presented in Bollywood films. The condition of the airport in New Delhi this looks very old, appears without structuring and restructuring. Very much different than the Ngurah Rai Airport, Bali. In the dim evening, all the way to the hotel where I stay, the condition of slums was visible. Like a cliff in the area of Ubud, the gap between human settlements around the hotel looked so tall and wide.

In the morning, I met with delegations from other countries in the ASEAN region. We all received N. Venkataraman, Head of State Publications Publications Division, Indian Foreign Kemeterian. He was the only person who accompanied our trip for a few days exploring some tourist and industrial center in India. There was no response from the local media there, let alone their visits to the editorial. This could give rise to protests, because the title of this program is the''ASEAN-India Media Exchange Programme''. But as fatigue and burnout visit very, very solid, we forget about the problem.

Venkarataman then invited us to meet Indian Foreign Secretary N Ravi. Krodit atmosphere because of the multitude of men, though perfectly sound riuhnya vehicles ranging from motorcycles, bemo tricycle, taxi, private car or bus. More perfect, since almost all motor vehicle that emits a loud and long horn. New Delhi as the capital of India's independence in 1947, it has a very dense population. Originally the population of New Delhi is only about 0.6 million inhabitants, but as its development as a metropolitan city, its population now reaching 14 million people is more a result of urbanization. And, almost 99 percent of the population rely on motor vehicles as a means of transportation, only about one percent use the train.

Economics and IT
Many things related to cooperation in economic, industrial, technology, particularly information technology (IT), including tourism which we dialogkan between delegations from Asean journalists with N Ravi. Concerning this matter, India is very much shot. Especially after we visited and met directly with some of the sector actors. For example in India Habitat Centre, we met with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII, a sort of Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia - ed) which has about 60,000 members. One of them with the Society of Indian Automobile Manufactureres (SIAM).

"One of them with Indonesia, in automotive sector related to tourism, we organize Indonesia - Asian Car Relly. This is also in order to promote in particular the automotive business," said Director General of the Society of Indian Automobile Manufactureres (SIAM), Dilip Chenoy.

We also briefly visited the Delhi Metro, a fast train control center in New Delhi to address the transportation problems in this region. Also visit the Indian information technology, HI-Tech City, an international business school the Indian School of Business, Hyderabad International Convention Centre, Indian drug company association PHARMEXIL. Apparently, Indonesia became the fourth largest importer of medicines from India after Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines.

In Bangalore, we are invited to visit the Infosys Campus, the center of aerospace (satellite manufacturing, etc..) Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) and place of manufacture of helicopters. Apparently, satellites and helicopters are also to be exported, including to Indonesia. We also visited a factory that produces various TVS Motor motorcycles and now also invest in Indonesia.

In Mumbai (onions), we visited the Tata Consultancy Services Hqrs. one of whose production is widely used Indian society is a sedan. Larsen & Toubro also visited the headquarters of many oil producing various exploration purposes and the like, especially offshore. For all of these matters, must be recognized in the ASEAN countries are still far less even lags behind India. Indonesia and other countries in the region should learn a lot from this country's Gandhi.

Local Tourists
Lessons can also be learned from India's ability to optimize the potential of local tourists. India sells a variety of historical heritage to the tourists. More interestingly, the dominant attending various heritage objects that are local tourists from various Indian states.
In the Heroes Cemetery in New Delhi, for example, local tourists seemed crowded even have to queue. In fact, the parliament building (Parliament here - ed) was crowded domestic tourists. This scene also appears in the Hussein Sagar Lake is at its center stands a statue of Buddha and the statue of Shiva. "On average 1,000 people per day visit here," said Somaiah, tour guide who accompanied us. Riot local and international tourists looking at the Taj Mahal. "This place is a romantic place. Who comes here nearly 7,000 people per day. Taj Mahal done by Isac Han Effendi, a Turkish architect," said tour guide there.

Another interesting tourist attraction, Charminar, which is an old mosque and built combines Hindu and Islamic architecture. Similarly, Mysore Palace, an historic heritage building the King of Mysore. Other places are "sold" almost everything in the form of historic relics. And who came berkunujung mostly local tourists from other states of India. This is where their advantages in utilizing and optimizing the local potential.

The less pleasant, almost at every crossroads and on every tourist attraction surrounded by beggars and traders acung. They not only lifted the hand, even the busy-busy banging on the car door or pulling at hand. They also exploit their children to go begging. In fact, there are beggars tend to "do business". Because the author's experience, they do not want to be given money, but ask for a variety of goods bought in the supermarket or mall. Perhaps this is not enviable, especially to Bali.

10 Most Beautiful Places In Asia

You must pensaran seh place what is most beautiful in Asia this? do not worry about my secret revealed ten most beautiful places in Asia. And here's ten most beautiful places in Asia, two of them located in Indonesia, lets go!
10 Most Beautiful Places In Asia

Negara Gujarat
State of Gujarat is the most important place of production of cotton and salt. Also, Mahatma Gandhi, the father of Indian nation, is Gujarati. Between 2005 and 2006, heavy rains brought by monsoon caused severe flooding and killed thousands of lives. It is estimated that climate change will bring the West Indian hurricanes and flooding more and more unpredictable.

Maldives is an archipelago, consisting of 1,200 islands in the Indian Ocean. The most well-known for beautiful scenery: white beaches, swaying palm trees, colorful coral and abundant sunshine. 80 percent of the average height of the Maldives is less than one meter. If sea level rise continued global climate change, this beautiful paradise may be lost under the sea sooner or later.

Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, located on the Chao Phraya Delta. The city is a center of politics , economy, culture and education from Thailand. Bangkok plays low and is always threatened by flooding during the rainy season. In addition, the geological formation, urbanization and excessive exploitation of ground water result in rapid destruction of land in Bangkok. It is estimated that most of the city of Bangkok will sink below sea level until the end of this century.

Cherrapunji, India, 1290 meters above sea level, receives the majority of annual rainfall in the world. But 98 percent of local rainfall occurs from March to October every year, and only four months remaining, would be a rather dry climate. There is no reservoir to store rain water in there. Also to global climate change recently, environmental pollution, deforestation and soil erosion, local residents do not even get enough water to live in the dry season.

Komodo Island
Komodo Island in Indonesia is most famous for the clarity of the sea and the diverse tropical marine life, so be it Mecca divers around the world. What else is known on the island of Komodo is the world's largest lizard - the Komodo. Rising sea levels already threatens the existence of coastal mangrove forests and beaches. Meanwhile, acidification and changes in ocean water temperature can kill corals around the island.

There are about 1,200 Red-crowned cranes living in the city of Kushiro Wetland Hokkaido, Japan. It is a paradise for rare breeding birds. large-scale hunt human beings and rising sea levels, the Kushiro wetland reduced year after year. And habitat of Red-crowned crane is also much reduced.

Sindhu River
Sindhu River comes from the glaciers in the Himalayas and more than 3000 kilometers. This creates a jungle river, places and villages along the road, thus becoming an important source for irrigation. Shrinking glaciers and changes in the irregular rainfall can increase local water shortage problem

Kalimantan (Borneo), Indonesia is the third largest island in the world. About 50 percent of the island is covered by primitive forest. And various endangered species live in this mysterious tropical forest. however, excessive logging, expansion of oil palm plantation and construction of roads, causing shrinking tropical forests. Global climate change also resulted in the extinction of local flora and the spread of malaria. High temperatures and dry also increase the danger of forest fires.

Siberian Altai
Altai mountains of southern Siberia biogeographic region is mountainous western Siberia. This region is the most complete sequence of vegetation zones in Siberia, begun from the pasture, forest, mixed forest, subalpine vegetation to alpine vegetation. This site is also an important habitat for rare animal species like snow leopard. From the last century, temperatures in this region continues to increase, and researchers that in the coming decades will threaten the unique ecological system.

Mount Qomolangma
Mount Qomolangma is the highest mountain on Earth above sea level, and the highest point of the earth. Various kinds of endangered rare animals inhabit here, including snow leopards, pandas also live on the lower side and so on. Scientists have claimed that about two-thirds of the glacier has melted. Melting glaciers could cause the expansion of glacial lakes that would lead to several natural disasters including floods and landslides.

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We established in 1983 Dynamic Tours Pvt. Ltd. to plan and develop holidays with special care to inculcate the spirit of India in every tour. We developed our own transport fleet to provide service to our sophisticated traveler. We organize travel arrangements from the individual traveler, family or group travelers. We also organize Meetings and conferences.

Indian Nature Expeditions
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Preparation Tips for mountain climbing

For some people, mountain climbing is an activity that is not useful. In addition to cold and fatigue, the risks would be faced is also quite large. Many stories of mountain climbers who died from various things. Among them fall into the abyss and die from the cold.

However, for the adventurers to climb the mountain becomes a very enjoyable activity. Here, they can walk menusuri jungle, past a steep ravine, and up the hill. With this activity landscape that unfolded in the universe can be enjoyed with satisfaction.

Before you make the climb a number of preparations are made with the best. Supplies, equipment, and the importance of healthy bodies.

And, to get the climbing equipment at this time many stores selling it. Just choose the appropriate wallet, not local or foreign brands.

There is a large backpack (carril), sleeping bag (sleeping bag), mountain hat, and sandals of the mountain.

Getting Started Climbing
For the adventurous, mountain climbing is an activity that is fun. How could I not, by doing this activity, then one can witness the incredible natural beauty on the mountaintop. Not to mention the scenery that you can find along the route.

But mountain climbing equipment requires special preparation, both technically and physically. Because if not, it could be climbing the mountain will be an activity that is not menyenangkan.Bahkan more than that, without special preparation, a climber can be harmed by it.

General preparation that must be held before a climber begins to climb the mountain, among others:

1. Bring a map navigation tool climbing location, map, altimeter (altitude gauge somewhere above sea level), or compass. For that, a climber should know how to read maps and do the orientation. Never climb when the group does not have an experienced and knowledgeable climb the depth of the navigation.
2. Make sure the condition of the body healthy and strong. Exercise such as running or swimming on a regular basis before the climb.
3. Bring the appropriate climbing equipment. For example, waterproof jacket or poncho, separate clothes for the camp that always must be dry with travel clothes, sneakers or boots (do not bersendal), flashlights and batteries to taste, tents, sleeping bags, mattresses.
4. Calculate the long journey to suit the needs of logistics. How many have to carry rice, fuel, side dishes, and plates and glasses. Bring a water container which must always be filled during the trip.
5. Bring medical equipment, such as iodine, bandages, and medications specifically for people with certain diseases.
6. Do not be ashamed to learn and discuss with a group of nature lovers who are now scattered in secondary schools or universities.
7. Measure the ability of self. If not able to go on, do not hesitate to return home.

Mental Preparedness

Mental very influential, because if you're mentally fit, it would be physically fit, but it could have happened otherwise. To know one's mental state in a condition fit or not is not easy. Surely a better understanding of this mental state is ourselves. Mental readiness personally will be very influential on the team. If the mental preparedness is not in fit condition would be nice if it did not impose ourselves.

Physical Readiness

Some of the physical exercise we need to do, for example: Stretching / perenggangan (before and after sports activities, do perenggangan, our bodies can be trained for flexibility). Jogging (jog) The length of time and distance in accordance with our abilities, but time, distance and speed we always added from the previous time. Other exercises could be sit-ups, push-ups and pull-up Perform fit our capabilities and increase the portion exceeding the previous portion.

Some of the equipment or supplies that must be taken when climbing the mountain is:
* Carriel or large bag to accommodate all the necessary supplies and equipment
* Mattress. Its function is to cushion while resting sejenak.Matras can also be used for the coating on the carriel to make it look more presentable.
* Raincoat. This tool is needed, especially to anticipate if it rains during ascent. Because the weather in the mountains often less friendly and a pretty heavy rain.
* Tenda.Alat used when the climber is about to break in a long time. Tents can also protect the climber during a rain or strong winds.
* Sleeping bag or sleeping bag.Alat serves to wrap while sleeping in gunung.Selain it can also be used for bedding.
* Lighting equipment, such as flashlights, candles, spare batteries, hurricane lamp. With the proper lighting equipment, then climbing activity at night can go smoothly.
* Hats, gloves, thick socks, a special shoe. Special shoes are necessary because the terrain in the mountains is different from the flat terrain in the area that requires special shoes.
* Warm clothing such as jackets, long sleeve shirt and casual slacks with a strong material and comfortable wear.
* P3K tools, food supplements, instant foods / canned, and drink mineral. The availability of adequate food will be able to provide enough energy also when climbing.
* Dagger Slash, folding knives, and binoculars. No less important is the recording device (camera or camcorder) for documenting the activities during the ascent

Administration Readiness

Prepare all the procedures required to permit entering the area to be addressed.

Readiness Skills and Knowledge

Knowledge to be able to live in the wild. Minimum capabilities necessary for climbers is the knowledge of land navigation, survival and EMC (emergency medical care) practical.

Hong Kong Adventure

Hong Kong has unparalled vacation features that make it a perfect place for family vacation, weekend getaway or honeymoon. It has a plethora of adventure sports activities such as hiking, river treks, diving, snorekelling and birding which make the vacations a great joy.

Hiking and River-treks
The island is carpeted by the hills, which in turn are bisected by number of seasonal rivers, creating several exquisite waterfalls and gorges. Hiking on these hills is organised by various groups. Walks along streams and falls are also organised. Lantau Island has an abundance of riverside walking. Violet Peak on the south of Hong Kong island is also known for river-trekking.

Diving and Snorekelling
Hong Kong is circled by sea. Rocky coasts provide home to exquisite range of marine fauna. More than 80 species of corals and over 300 species of reef fish have been found in the region. These circumstances make activities like diving and snorekelling very rewarding. However, underwater visibility in the coast depends on the wind and tide conditions. Several artificial reefs have also been created for the benefit of the travellers.

Hong Kong has number of country parks which can prove very intriguing for the lovers of avian life. In Hongkong, birding is best from early October to late April. Noteworthy places for birding activity in Hongkong are Mai Po Marshes Nature Reserve, Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve and Long Valley. Po Toi Island is a must-visit for any bird-watcher.

Shoping Tour In Malang Indonesia

Many activities that can be done when you take a walk, leisure and recreation in Malang, Batu and Bromo ie: you can enjoy historical tours, cultural tours, educational tours, adventure tours, culinary tours, comparative study, a working visit, nature tourism , marine tourism, ecotourism, shopping, tours etc. liver.

If you are interested in one of the above activities, we are ready to help prepare your holiday event to run smoothly and memorable. Starting from the provision of transportation, shuttle from airport / airport Juanda Surabaya / Abdurrahman Saleh, accommodation (lodging, hotel, homestay, guesthouse), package tours, graduation packages, meeting packages, rafting packages, catering, catering, coffee break , entertainment, and others. Insyallah we are ready to help.

Contact our customer service for details and more information. Hopefully our presence is useful to you.

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Welcome to Malang

Visiting and adventuring to new places that may not be familiar to many people would be proud of something. The uniqueness of the story and she said the experience would be a very interesting and impressive not only for ourselves but also for those who listen. Natural resources, culture and history possessed a region that is in Malang and surrounding areas into an attractive tourist destination to visit. Tourism icons in Malang, Batu and surrounding areas such as: Ijen Boulevard, the Museum of UB, Toko Oen, Monument Square , Merdeka Square, Ceramic Dinoyo , Singosari Temple , Tea Plantation Wonosari, Reservoir Selorejo, Selecta bath, hot water Cangar, Songgoriti, East Java Park , Stone Night Spectaculer , Village Flowers Sidomulyo, Coban Rondo Waterfall , Penanjakan Sunrise Peak, climb to the crater of Bromo, riding at Ocean Sand , Trekking to Ranu Pane, Ranu Kumbolo, to Puncak Semeru, Enchantment resort town of Batu, etc.. be one such property evidence. Beyond that there are many other tourist destinations that are not less interesting, such as: Campus Tours, Food Tours , Cultural Tours, Craft Tours , etc..

Travel history of the city of Malang is also known as Paris van Java is arguably long enough. The name "Malang" is derived from Malang Kucecwara Temple , a temple located at the foot of Mount Burying, in the eastern city of Malang. The temple was built in the 15th century. Because the area is cool and natural conditions, Malang was developed as a resort for the Dutch and the Javanese nobility. Relics of ancient buildings until now most of them still standing.

Nature Tourism Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) Nature Reserve and Ecotourism Sempu Island is now a leading tourist attraction for the District of Malang and East Java.

The beauty that can be found on the island of Sempu (crossed by boat from the Coast Sendangbiru ) is how could swim in water that is very clear (in the ocean tillers ) and to have a hobby snorkeling can freely enjoy the underwater scenery because this place used to be cultivation of coral reefs without have drawn a wave of fear.

In Sempu Island lake there called ly . This place is more like a small lake surrounded by high rocks that restrict the open sea, ocean or sea south of Indonesia's big bumpy. Supply water to the lake is derived from a large rock with a hollow in the center, which periodically provides a great view splash-splash of water waves hitting the reef. Some water was flowing into ly . Apart from swimming in a giant pool, visitors can also relax by playing beach volleyball. For those who enjoy the natural atmosphere of the original, far from the noise of modern life, the island Sempu provide a solution, just do not expect any five-star hotels, in addition to carry their own bedding.

One also can climb rocks surrounding ly , from the rocks we could see the sea waves that erode terbing2 giant, very beautiful indeed. If you have this, do not forget to bring a complete camera so as not to regret. Still for those who love nature trips, Malang provide natural scenery in Reservoir Selorejo, Wonosari Tea Plantation , Plantation Apples Poncokusumo, Coban Pelangi, Purwodadi Botanical Garden and the Mount Flora (which is owned by a neighbor, Pasuruan regency.) Beauty and natural atmosphere of harmony is what makes these places worth a visit if you are to Malang. Contact our customer service for information and reservations. ( WisataMalang.com )

See It Source

MATARAM gutter - Cycling Walking Historic Sewer-Jogjakarta Indonesia

If you were raised as "city people", along the Mataram ditch can be a fun little adventure to enjoy views of green rice fields, shepherds, off road and crossed Krasak while shouldering bike.

During the Japanese occupation, many people of Indonesia were sent to various regions to serve as forced labor or romusha. They were forced to build infrastructure that supports the diverse interests of the Japanese military against the Allies. People who become romusha great suffering, not being fed enough and abused so many were killed.

This makes Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX are concerned and try to avoid people of Yogyakarta from the obligation to romusha. He then ordered his people to build irrigation channels along the 30 km, from the River to River Progo Opak, and reject the people made romusha by reason of their power is still needed to finish the project. The channels were originally called Canal Yoshiro now known as the Mataram ditch and still perform their function to irrigate tens of thousands of hectares of rice fields.

Going along this historic irrigation channels by using motor bike or MTB (mountain bike), promising an enjoyable experience if done in the month of October to May, because the month of June to September is usually ditch drained to break pest cycles.

Start The perfect is the intersection of MM UGM on the Road Ground. From here, there are two choices of routes. First, along the ditch Mataram to the west to meet the upper reaches of Sungai Progo, Ancol Village, Magelang regency. Second, along the Mataram ditch eastward to end at River Opak, Kalasan. Starting the trip in the morning, approximately at 06.00 pm, was the most fun because the air is still cool, not hot sun and lots of activities that can be seen an agrarian society.
Go to West Direction

When choosing to walk to the west, after passing Ring Road Western views of green fields will soon greet. Do not forget to turn briefly to the east as the sun was high. The sun shone brightly on the green rice fields and coconut trees, shadows appear on the surface water ditch that runs quietly. In the afternoon, sometimes a few students to practice canoeing nature lovers here.

After walking distance of 16 kilometers, you will enter the hamlet Barongan. Here, the trip will be similar to off road, Because you have to pass through the muddy trails and slippery, be careful not to slip. On both sides looked the door that connects the ditch water with rice fields surrounding people. You will realize that this ditch flow is the pulse of agriculture in Sleman district, Yogyakarta.

During the "off road" is also, YogYES had felt some unpleasant experiences, such as when watching the people around were Angon (Grazing) ducks, buffalo, and goats. After a grueling journey on the path through the land along approximately 1 mile, you will hit a dead end, blocked a form Krasak overdraft as deep as 5 meters. When going through a ditch before crossing the bridge over the river, here the bridge was not there. Then through which the ditch is flowing? It turns out down to the bottom, flows through an underground channel, then up again at the opposite, great is no pump at all! The laws of physics that will always mean the water surface used here. Because there are no bridges, you must turn directions through asphalt road when riding a motorcycle. When using a mountain bike, you can try the exciting experience across time in which the water is shallow with a shouldering mountain bike.

Approximately 5 miles from Krasak, you will arrive at the hamlet Ngluwar. And you shall again cause confusion Mataram ditch flow as suddenly disappeared. But do not think that you have reached the upstream flow, because the actual sewer flow still continues, through the tunnel under the village. Amazing is not it?

Two kilometers to the west of the village, you will get to the ditch upstream of Mataram, the Progo River. Looks small dam, called Weir Coral Talun, stem the flow of the Progo River. Water from the dam that then flows into the ditch Mataram. From the Ancol bridge above the dam, you can admire the swift flow of the Progo River which is also used as an arena for rafting. Your journey has been completed here.
Go to the East Direction

Different views will be found when selecting the appropriate ditch along the flow direction, toward the east. Some areas that will be passed is Gejayan, Depok, Maguwoharjo and Kalasan. Urban nuances will be more frequently encountered than Gejayan to Depok to the number of buildings and pavement cafes. If not fill the stomach, there's no harm in stopping the SGPC (sego pecel or rice pecel) Bu Wiryo north of Gadjah Mada University Faculty of Animal Husbandry.

New green rice fields will be found when it has reached the region Maguwoharjo. In some villages, you also have to cross a dirt road because the asphalt road that was built was not always in the direction of flow of the Mataram ditch. Dirt road in the eastern region is generally dry, so not slippery, but must still be careful because the roads are narrow, one-one you can be plunged into a ditch. Although even if it's fallen will be fine, but certainly not unbearable shame.

After reaching the area Kalasan, you can see an impressive panorama. From the dirt road on the right side of the ditch, you can see the center up to the top of Tara Temple. Expanse of paddy fields and tall trees into the background front. There is a paved road to the right if you want to stop by the temple that became relics of the oldest Buddhist culture in Yogyakarta.

From here, you still have to walk to the east to get to the ditch downstream of Mataram. Along the way, you will come across the ditch to flow under the railroad. Approximately 1 mile later, you will meet downstream flow of the Mataram ditch. Looks sewer water flowing downward, united with Opak River which flows south into the Indonesian Ocean. The view around was quite beautiful. Looks tall trees growing on the banks of the River Opak. The scene was a sign the end of the trip down the Mataram ditch flow eastwards.
Fun and Amazing

Mataram ditch along the stream, other than pleasant experience, will make us admire the designer. How not, the flow is from west to east as if "against the" laws of nature because of Mount Merapi in the north of Yogyakarta, causing the flow of the river here is usually from north to south is lower. Across the ditch above small-dozen times and through the tunnel under Krasak by utilizing the laws of physics, has decades of giving water for tens of thousands of hectares of rice fields and become one landmarks Yogyakarta.

Kotabaru, Explore the Old City Park- Jogjakarta Indonesia

Regions Indische worth mentioning as one of the most advanced in its time. Constructed with a patterned garden city concept radial, Kotabaru be a parallel to the Menteng area, an area Indische in Jakarta.

Cool weather will greet once you cross the northeastern area of Malioboro, the area east across the river now named Kotabaru Code. Shade trees growing in the middle of streets, sheltering from the blazing sun at the same time limiting the lane in two different directions. With the old buildings are still standing firmly on the right side of the street, Kotabaru region into a region that is too dear to just crossed.

Kotabaru, or used to be called Nieuwe Wijk, Is an area that developed from the year 1920 as a consequence of increasingly dense region Loji Small. The progress of the sugar industry, plantations and the increasing interest in developing education and health led to the number of Dutch people who settled in Yogyakarta has been increasing. Kotabaru a residential area complete facility alternative, parallel to the Menteng area in Jakarta.

Will get a different impression upon entering the region. The design of the region ordered to follow a radial pattern like the cities in the Netherlands generally, unlike other areas of Yogyakarta which still mostly arranged following the direction of the wind. Large trees, flowering plants and fruit plants which numerous in this region indicate that the Kotabaru designed as garden city, Equipped boulevard and roads are quite wide.

Every corner of Kotabaru not only beautiful, but it also keeps the story. Road Kewek the south gate of this region for example, save the story is quite humorous. Roads in the form of a bridge connecting the east and west side of River Road Code was actually named Kerkweg, but because many difficult to pronounce Java, its name was changed to Kewek. Because of the bridge, the road is now named Abubakar Ali is also called Kreteg Kewek.

Walking north from Kreteg Kewek, you will find buildings of St. Anthony Church of Kotabaru. Typical European building look at building a high tower at the front of the church, pillars of concrete as many as 16 pieces, as well as ceiling-shaped lid. Church which was founded in 1926 and originally named Saint Anthony of Padua van started to grow when the original place of worship in the home of Mr. Perquin (Martyr's Mosque front) is no longer sufficient.

Entering the next Kotabaru niche, a number of historic buildings will be found, of which Saint Ignatius College building which was used as the office of the Ministry of Defense, the House SMAN 3 as AMS building, Building 5, which formerly used SMP Normalschool, BOPKRI first high school building was also used as a building Christelijke MULO and the Military Academy. You also will meet with the Department of Tourism office as the place to end guerrilla General Sudirman, Indonesia's national hero who is famous for its guerrilla struggle.

An architecturally striking building is a building Ben Building. The building was designed with the concept of art deco, a design that thrive in the year 1920-1930's, with priority to local traditional elements remain open to new things and accompanied by the spirit to be different from the existing public buildings. Ben Building elongated shape of the building such as building typical of other European, but the top of the front look different with curved shapes.

Another building is quite prominent and valuable history is Jiwasraya Insurance office. In the Netherlands, the building was used as a house of one employee Nill Insurance Maatschappij, while in the Japanese used as a residence Butaico Major Otsuka, Japanese army officers. October 6, 1945, this building was used as a bargaining Moh Saleh Bardosono with Otsuka in order to surrender weapons.

If still not satisfied also see old buildings, you can down every niche Kotabaru. A list of the Dutch architecture of ancient buildings will be found with ease. Some of which have historical value is a former Foreign Ministry building, located in the node path to the Bridge Gondolayu, Katamso Brigjend house located on the east Kridosono Stadium, as well as building electrical substations typical Dutch design.

The corners of Kotabaru now growing dynamically. There are a number of cafes resting place after a trip to enjoy the charm of the old town, an art gallery site of the diverse range of exhibits, is also not miss the taste of various cuisines, and even a place to exercise. Kotabaru charm as a city park was until now still can be enjoyed by sitting and take shelter on the right side of the street.